Buy a Multi Million £/$ company without using your own money in the next 6 months

Inside Buy Build Sell, you will develop skills and traits beyond what you could possibly imagine right now.

  • You will learn to develop a brand that makes acquisition prospects attracted to you.
  • You will learn how to confidently get new prospects every day.
  • You will learn to be able to confidently structure and close deals.
  • You will learn valuable life lessons and increase your self worth. You’ll become the best version of yourself by immensely raising your value.
  • You will meet people you would not normally have access to and build a network that builds your net worth.
  • You will have access to some of the greatest minds in the M&A world.

Buy Build Sell Will Help You Get There. 

And with that in mind, here’s what’s included

  • Recordings and Replays of All Calls. Watch and rewatch every call as often as you need. You’re getting video recordings, and scripts.
  • Training Courses: A collection of dozens of training videos covering every aspect of the M&A process. These alone are worth £10,000
  • Courses include: Sourcing, what to say on first and subsequent calls, structuring deals, making offers, the process in between, raising funding etc.
  • Templates, Funnels & Resources: I’m giving you my templates, funnels and resources, valuation analysis tool.
  • Community Support. 91% of our members are fully engaged. Our community encourages our members to help each other.
  • Full Success Roadmap. Once you log in for the first time, we will send you a roadmap. It helps you navigate the entire journey of building your business. You may already be in a certain phase of the roadmap. I recommend you go through the entire thing. This way, you can make sure you don’t miss any fundamentals.

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